Fuel Management for Bus and Coach

Real Time, Web Based Fuel Management for the Bus and Coach Industry

Fuel Management for Bus and Coach – System Features

  • Fueller or Driver operation available

  • Manual or Automated Mileage Capture Options
  • Telematics Integration for Auto Milage Capture now available
  • Long Range “Over the Shoulder” teletag system simplifies fueller operation
  • Comprehensive reporting by vehicle or fueller
  • BSOG Data Export simplifies Fuel Duty Rebate claims

  • Real Time view of unfuelled vehicles

Modes of Operation – Fuel Management for Bus and Coach

In a Fuel Management for Bus and Coach context, a bus fleet will typically operate from one or more sites, with each vehicle returning to its home depot daily. On larger fleets, buses are typically fuelled by fuelling staff, rather than the driver, during a fuelling shift.

Coaches additionally may be away from their home site for more than a day and use fuel cards whilst away. These off site fuellings may be uploaded to appear along side the on site fuellings giving a comprehensive fuelling picture. On the fuelling site, it is more often the case that coaches are are fuelled by the driver rather than on a daily fuelling shift. Products are typically Diesel and AdBlu.

The Operator would want to know which vehicle was fuelled when it was fuelled, what products it took, and the quantities of those products. More than likely, the mileage at the time of fuelling and the Driver or Fueller ID would also be required.

For buses, the simplest system is for the fueller to use a tag to identify himself, then type the vehicle’s reg or fleet number to identify the bus. Optionally the bus’s mileage may also be entered. Alternatively, more and more customers are opting for auto vehicle ID and automatic mileage capture systems to speed up the fuelling process— Jigsaw offers TeleTag or EasyFuel for this purpose.

For driver fuelled coaches, each coach would be issued a tag to identify the vehicle when fuelling. The driver can be prompted to enter mileage and to identify himself to the system. As with buses, nozzle-based technology is a time-saving and secure fuelling option.

On the Fuel Server – Bus and Coach Fuel Management

Each person requiring access to the fuel management web service would be issued a username and password. In addition, one or more individuals would have administrator-level access rights to add and delete users.

Details of each vehicle in the fleet would be entered into the web service, setting product restrictions, mileage prompts, etc., and assigning the vehicle into groups so meaningful reports may be generated.

Any reports which need to be generated daily, weekly or monthly are configured as required so that they will automatically be produced and distributed.

Most Used Reports


Period Stock

Vehicle Group Fuel Usage

Get in Touch:

Jigsaw Systems may be configured in many different ways to suit your business. If you don’t see exactly what you need here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The system has been developed with the help of end users in each market sector so we are confident that we can cover any requirements with our systems.

New Jigsaw TeleTag

Designed specifically for bus refuelling operations, the Jigsaw TeleTag system identifies both the vehicle and the fueller automatically. A long-range ID tag is fitted to the side of the vehicle adjacent to the fuel filling point. The fueller, who carries a similar tag, lifts the fuel nozzle and starts to fuel. When the fueller and vehicle tag are adjacent to the fuel island, the system reads both ID tags, validates them and turns on the pump.

The system will automatically interrogate an onboard unit to read vehicle mileage if fitted. This speeds up the fuelling process makes it more secure and results in accurate MPG Figures.

Relevant Vision Tiles

  • Unfuelled Vehicles List
  • Fuel Stock Holding
  • Fuel Purchase history
  • Group MPG Comparison
  • Vehicle Highest Fuel Usage
  • CO2 Emissions

More Information

Unique Jigsaw Vision Tiles give Real Time information – this one showing any vehicles missed from a fuelling shift. Please feel free to download our PDF specifically for Bus and Coach refuelling below.

Options to consider

  • To ensure accurate mileage entry, hardware may be fitted to the vehicles, automatically gathering and passing the mileage from the vehicle to the fuel island. Jigsaw Midas, FuelGuard and EasyFuel all have this option. Alternatively, some pass the vehicle’s mileage back to the telematics server if the vehicle is fitted with a tracking system. For example, Jigsaw has interfaces to several telematics servers to recover this mileage automatically.

  • Whilst not strictly necessary for stock management, Tank Gauging is a recommended add-on to the system as it confirms the book stock level and makes fast deliveries, fuel theft, and bad pump calibration obvious and quick to spot.

  • A “Yard Key” is often issued, used to fuel loans or contracts to hire vehicles and just about anything else – legitimate or otherwise. Plan for these eventualities by holding spare keys on site that can be issued and recovered as necessary.

  • Green Fuels. Whilst most commercial vehicles still use diesel and Gasoil, there is more and more concern for the problems of NOx and particulate emissions. There is even talk of banning diesel vehicles from city centres. Jigsaw is working with several fleet owners and independent gas supply companies to establish a network of CNG and LNG fuelling stations.

  • The Jigsaw system can be configured to turn on more than one pump when a single vehicle ID is presented. This can be used to turn on and monitor oil, water and anti-freeze dispensers as well as the diesel with a single authorisation sequence. The terminal ignores any Zero deliveries.

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